Does My Ex Miss Me After The Breakup? 15 Subtle Signs

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Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to hang out with my old-time School friends during the summer holiday.

So, in one of our girlie discussions, If you know what I mean😊we actually reminisced about our past during our University days.

We talk about our exes; some still wonder if they miss them as much as they do. Then I asked why some people still think about their exes after many years of breaking up.

If you are one of those people who often ask, “Does my ex miss me?” I want to tell you that you are not alone. It’s a common experience because it involves our feelings.

The fact remains that some people still do and cannot get over the good old times, which, to some, were the bad old times.

So, if you really want to know if your ex still misses you after a breakup, just continue reading this post to the end.

These subtle signs you are about to read are based on our conversations, which inspired this post.

15 Subtle Signs Your Ex Misses You

1. Increased Communication

Does My Ex Miss Me After The Breakup?

If your ex suddenly starts reaching out more often by texting or calling, it might be one of the subtle signs your ex misses you.

They might begin to engage in a long conversation, reminiscing about the good old times and even discussing feelings.

2. Confessing Their Feelings

Subtle signs your ex misses you

After initiating a long conversation, they confess their sweet feelings for you.

How they miss you and how you have imparted their life before the actual breakup.

They can go ahead and apologize and try to make amends; this is a way to show they regret the breakup.

They will also look for every means to ensure that you guys rekindle the relationship, which shows that they are still very much attached to you.

3. They Bring Up Old Memories

When they mention the good times you had together, it shows they’re thinking about the past and possibly missing it. Whenever you encounter each other, your ex inserts some fond memories into the conversation.

The truth is that they usually leave out the lousy times in the relationship, talk about the good times, and reminisce about the love you both shared. This is one of the subtle signs that your ex is missing you.

4. They Stalk Your Social Media

Subtle signs your ex misses you

If they’re watching all your stories, liking your posts, or even commenting, they’re likely trying to monitor your life after the breakup.

They might even start sliding into your dm; this is their way of keeping in touch, and most of my friends said they have experienced this countless times.

5. Mutual Friends Mention They Ask About You

If your ex still inquires about you through friends, it’s one of the subtle signs your ex misses you.

What this mean is that they haven’t completely moved on and a significant indicator that they are still interested in you.

We usually check on the well-being of people we care about. Discussing you with mutual friends makes their feelings of yearning obvious since they know their message will reach you.

6. They Keep Personal Belongings

Subtle signs your ex misses you

If they haven’t returned your stuff or held on to things that remind them of you, they may not be ready to let go of the relationship.

In fact, I discovered some of my friends still keep some of their ex’s belongings, like pictures, shirts, and so on, which constantly remind them of the ex and still hope for a possible reconciliation.

7. They Bring Up the Breakup

Rehashing the breakup or talking about what went wrong might be their way of determining whether there’s still a chance to reconcile.

They might even start mentioning how things could have been different or what might have happened if you stayed together; this clearly means they long for what was lost in the relationship.

8. They Try to Make You Jealous

If your ex flaunts new dates or talks about romantic interests in front of you, it could be a way to get your attention.

If you see them acting funny when you move or get close to people of the opposite gender. It’s one of the subtle signs your ex misses you.

They express their displeasure if you para venture talk about any of your dates.

A strong feeling like jealousy is evoked only when residual feelings exist. A person who has moved on will be indifferent or happy whenever they see their ex with someone else.

9. They Respond Immediately When You Call or Text Them.

An ex who misses you would cherish any kind of communication from you and respond eagerly.

They wouldn’t want to keep you waiting.

So, if your ex is instantly replying to the most trivial of your text messages even in the middle of a workday, in all probability, they might be missing you.

It typically means they’re excited to hear from you, and that could be because they miss you.

10. They Keep Running into You “Accidentally”

Subtle signs your ex misses you

Bumping into your ex too often could mean they’re trying to be where you are on purpose.

For example, they may start showing up, frequenting places you both used to visit, or attending events they know you’ll be at; it’s a sign that they might miss your presence.

11. They Started Dating Immediately

It has only been a few days since your breakup, but your ex is already in a new relationship and flaunting it on social media. This could be a way to distract themselves. They are probably not entirely over the one they had with you.

If you see that your ex is in a new relationship, take it seriously and give them space, even if you believe it’s a rebound.

If it is a rebound relationship, it’s likely to fizzle out quickly once your ex realizes it’s not making you jealous or upset.

An alternate sign could be your ex informing you that they are still alone and not dating anyone else.

They may leave the door open for you to return to their lives if you choose to.

12. They Drunk Call or Text You

Alcohol often lowers inhibitions, so if they reach out while intoxicated, it could be a sign that they miss you but are too afraid to say it sober.

This is one of the most significant signs that your ex misses you. If you are receiving late-night drunk texts or calls from your ex with them pining for you, they probably still have feelings for you.

13. They Seem Sad or Lost

If they appear to be struggling emotionally, it could be because they miss the relationship and find it difficult to adjust.

Has your ex been going around with an unhappy and lost look on their face?

If you or some of your mutual friends notice that they seem crestfallen after the breakup and bemoan about it. This is one of the subtle signs your ex misses you. 

However, they may be worried about something else, so checking other signs before drawing any conclusions is very important.

14. They Make an Effort to Improve Themselves

If your ex is making changes to better themselves physically, emotionally, or financially, it could indirectly show you that they’re trying to become someone you’d want back in your life.

15. They’re Still Protective or Caring

If they continue showing concern for your well-being, offering help, or acting protective, this could definitely be a sign they still care deeply and are ready to make up with you.

Maybe they were suddenly doing things you loved that were not their cup of tea, like posting about songs you loved and food you enjoy.

These are a strong indicator that they are missing you and are using these posts to attract your attention.

Points To Consider

Remember that interpreting these signs can be tricky, and focusing on your healing during this time is an essential factor to consider.

However, whether your ex misses you or not, what truly matters is self-care, both physically and mentally, and moving on in a way that aligns with your well-being.

But remember that you’re not alone in this; you deserve support and understanding as you navigate these emotions.

Stay strong and remember that your past relationships do not define your worth.

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