Ogbono soup is one of the natives’ soups of Nigerians, mostly in the eastern part of the country. Although, It is also referred to as ‘Draw soup’ because of its thick and slippery texture.
Lovers of this native soup ensure that they add a lot of proteins to it such as stockfish, seafood, beef, cow feet, and cow skin (Ponmo).
Initially l didn’t really like the soup until l met my igbo friends who changed my perception about this soup.

I met these my darlings in Kwara state while serving my father’s land (Nigeria). I think one of the best experiences of NYSC is meeting people from different ethnicity and background.
As a foodie who loves good food, l quickly grabbed this opportunity to learn how to make the best of the best Ogbono soup.
It was a waoh experience with them because their method then was slightly different from the one l was used to.
It tasted really different and delicious with the addition of red ball pepper and onions.
Ever since l stuck with it. And that’s the exact recipe l will be sharing here on the blog.
You may also want to spice the soup with some vegetables such as spinach, Ugwu ( pumpkin leaves), or Uziza leaves for additional flavour. Especially with Uziza leaves if you have it available in your vicinity.
I once taught a friend how to make Nigerian Ogbono soup herein Diaspora, and she totally loved it. She has since been asking me to prepare the soup for her.
Preparing Ogbono soup is not so difficult if you have all the ingredients or recipes which I will mention as we read on.
You will also find in this post a step to step guide on how to make Nigerian Ogbono soup without a mess of your kitchen.
It will interest you to know that after knowing how to make this soup. You will be able to prepare more Nigerian native soups or apply a similar cooking method to other types of Nigerian soups.
I am sure you would like this recipe as much as l do.
Amazingly, Ogbono soup has some health benefits because of its rich, nutritious packed ingredients. Such ingredients include proteins, minerals, vitamins and so on.
Health Benefits of Nigerian Ogbono Soup
When you know how to make Nigerian Ogbono soup, you are also improving your well-being. Here are the quick health benefits of the soup:
Nigerian Ogbono soup contains highly nutritious contents such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and protein among other vital nutrients.

Furthermore, a study reveals that Ogbono seeds have the nutritional values and ability to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
It promotes healthy weight loss, reduces high blood pressure, and also help decrease high cholesterol levels.
Let me take you through my recipe on how to make the best Nigerian ogbono soup ever and the step to step guide on how to prepare it. Enjoy!
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Ogbono Soup
- 50 grams Ogbono seed
- 2 tablespoon Locust Beans (Iru)
- 2 big Redball Pepper
- 1-2 Scotch bonnet pepper (atarodo)
- 2 small Onions
- ½ cup Palm oil
- Cow meat, Goat meat, Turkey, Chicken (choose your choice)
- Cow skin (Ponmo)
- Stock Fish
- 2 tablespoon grounded crayfish
- handful Fresh Ugwu, Fresh Spinach or Uziza Leaves
- The first thing to do is to wash and season your meat and stockfish with seasoning cubes, salt, onions, minced garlic and ginger, curry, and thyme. Add water to cook until they're soft and tender.
- Blend together the red-ball pepper, Scotch bonnet pepper, and Onions together.
- When the meat is soft and tender, add the blended ingredients and the palm oil. Give it a good stir, cover, and allow to cook for about 5 minutes.
- Then add the seasonings, salt, grounded crayfish, minced locust beans, then cover to cook for another 4-5 minutes so that everything will get incorporated. (taste before adding the salt and the seasoning since we've initially added some to the meat. If the need be then add more)
- Add the Ogbono seed, stir so that it will evenly distributed.
- On low heat, allow to cook for 8-10 minutes, by now you should have draw Ogbono soup and note, the longer it remains on low heat, the tastier it becomes.
- And finally, add your preferred vegetable or you may want to leave it plain. Stir and leave for another 2-3 minutes.
- Yah! Ogbono soup is ready!
- Eat with any swallow of your choice: Pounded yam, Fufu, Semolina, Eba, Amala, and so on.

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