You’ve met a married man recently and you’re seeing the signs that he may be sexually attracted to you, you can be right and you may also be wrong.
In your everyday life, you’ll find yourself involved in communication and relationship with a lot of men, married and unmarried.
But how do you even know if that married man is sexually attracted to you or if he is simply just being nice?
Although, when a married man is being overly nice to you, if he truly doesn’t want any form of sexual commitment from you then, there will always be boundaries.
On the other hand, it will be improper of you to assume that a married man may be sexually attracted to you because he is being nice to you.
So, rather than you find yourself in embarrassing moments by assuming that a married man is sexually attracted to you whereas he’s not.
There are a few signs that you can always back on like his body language, facial expression, or actions towards you.
This article lists a few among the numerous signs that a married man is indeed sexually attracted to you.
Signs That A Married Man Is Sexually Attracted To You
1. He Looks You In The Eye

Making eye contact with someone is one of the undeniable signs that a person is interested in you.
When you notice that a married man is often making eye contact with you.
Then there is a high prediction that he may be sexually attracted to you.
2. He Spreads His Legs Around You
When a man spread his legs in front of you consciously, its means one thing; he wants to send a sexual signal to you by exposing his scotch.
The fact that he is a married man and he regularly opens his legs around you is a sign that he wants to flirt with you.
Mind you, the more sexually attracted he is to you, the more he opens his legs when you both are together.
3. He Compliments Your Smell

Some of the signs that a married man is attracted to you may come verbally.
So, instead of coming out to you in plain terms, he may just compliment you by saying that you smell nice.
This is because the smell of a person can sometimes be connected to the sexual attraction that the opposite sex has for them.
For humans, smell plays a major role in attractions.
So when next a married man compliments your smell, try to read between the lines.
4. He Is Nervous Whenever He Is Around You
Guys are generally nervous when they are with the woman they love.
And sometimes, they get more nervous if the only thing they want is sex and not their heart.
Check his facial expression and body language, does he seem nervous? Then this is a sign.
5. He Compliments You All The Time

When a married man always compliments you then he may be up to something.
He compliments your look, fashion sense, intelligence, or achievements.
A married man that wants to flirt with you will try to boost your self-confidence.
He will do this in other to make you appreciate his admiration towards you.
6. He Makes Jokes Around You
He does this to get your attention and once he sees that you’re beginning to get attracted to him.
Then he begins to make sexual advances at you.
7. He Takes Interest In Your Personal Life
It’s normal for men to be interested in your personal life but when a married man always shows concern about you then he may be looking for something beyond friendship.
He may even begin to ask about your past relationships.
What you like, dislike and even begin to show concern in things that matters to you.
This is a sign that he just might be sexually attracted to you.
8. He Doesn’t Talk About His Wife Or Personal Life
If he always asks you about your personal life but refuses to tell you about his own personal life then it’s because he is married and his personal life involves his wife and family.
He wouldn’t want you to know about his personal life because he doesn’t want to make a long-term commitment with you but rather make sexual advances at you.
9. He Smiles Whenever You Come Near

His smile may not just be a friendly smile; it may be an instinctual smile.
It means that you excite him whenever he sees you and smiling indicates his level of sexual attraction toward you.
10. He Initiates Conversations

When a guy is always the one initiating the conversation then he is seeking your attention.
This is because he wants to talk to you way beyond how you want to talk to him.
If a married man is doing this to you then he just may be sexually attracted to you.
11. He Buys You Gifts

This is a major red flag because he wants you to be his side chick.
When a married man always buys you gifts then you should run.
He is doing all that because he wants something from you and you can tell the negative effect of accepting to be his side chick and sexual partner.
12. He Talks Naughty With You
Another sign that a married man is sexually attracted to you is that he has naughty conversations with you by telling you how he’s interested in your body and sexually attracted to you.
When a married man frequently has sexual conversations with you or asks you about your past sexual life then he is sexually attracted to you.
13. He Admits That He Loves You More Than His Wife
One of the easiest ways for a married man to show his interest in you is when he begins to tell you that he loves you more than his wife or he should have met you earlier before he meet his wife.
This is a big sign that he can’t wait for you to be his side chick.
14. He Contacts You At Odd Time Of The Day
If a man wants to have a formal and official conversation with you then he won’t call you at the odd time of the day.
When a married man calls or texts you at the odd time of the day.
It means he doesn’t want his wife to be aware of his conversation with you and trust me, this is a huge sign that he wants to ask you out.
Sometimes, a lot of married men find it difficult to remain faithful to their wives.
Therefore, they seek sexual experience from other ladies although; they may not really come off straight with it.
And that’s why we highlighted the few signs that a married man may be sexually attracted to you.
If you notice these signs then it’s left for you to decide if you want to reciprocate his actions as well.
7 Evident Signs A Married Man Is Using You