Signs Your Ex Wants You to Notice Them

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Wondering if your ex is still trying to get your attention? Here are some subtle signs that your ex wants you to notice them.

Trust me, moving on after a breakup isn’t a walk in the park. One instant, you find yourself reminiscing over the memories you both share, and the next instant, you’re wondering if they still love you, care about you, or want you to notice them.

It’s not uncommon to wonder if your ex still has feelings for you, especially if they’ve been making certain moves. 

You’ve invested so much of yourself into that relationship, and you can still feel the intimacy that you both share. 

You may have even asked yourself: could my ex be thinking about reconciliation too?

The answer, surprisingly, could be a resounding “yes”. The latest research suggests that nearly 50% of ex-couples, especially younger couples, get back together after breaking up.

It may not always be easy to reconcile with them, you may be wondering, are they still in love with me, do they still have interest in me, should I wait for them or move them.

In this blog post, we will show you signs that your ex wants you to notice them.

Signs Your Ex Wants You To Notice Them

1. There Is An Increase In Their Social Media Activity

There are a lot of signs that your ex might be using to draw a green light towards you and one of them is that they’re suddenly posting more frequently or sharing more personal details.

 Even if you know that they are naturally not social media freaks, you suddenly find them sharing personal details about their life or sharing recent updates about their experience.

Another way they do this is to post indirect references.

They might post lyrics, quotes, or photos that seem to relate to your past relationship.

By doing this, you can easily pick what they want you to notice.

They also start stalking your profile by consistently checking your posts and stories.

2. They Keep Up With Your Mutual Friends

They keep asking after you from your mutual friends to know what’s up with you  and inquiring about the latest things you’ve been involved in

Additionally, you find out that you keep having coincidental encounters. You seem to run into them more often than usual, even in unexpected places.

 Maybe they are trying to make you notice them.

3. They Engage In Subtle Flirting With You

Signs Your Ex Wants You to Notice Them

Although your ex may not tell it to your face that they like you and would want you both to have something in common, however, if they want you to notice them, they’ll give you subtle compliments.

They may even start to tease you by using playful banter or teasing to get a reaction from you and you can also see it in their body language.

 They might exhibit flirtatious body language, such as maintaining eye contact or touching their hair.

4. They Indirectly Contact You

Another subtle way your ex wants you to notice you is by sending you casual text messages. 

They’re sending casual texts or asking for favors.

For instance, they may text or call you to confirm information that they obviously know.

 They could just call you out of the blue and when you ask them for the reason for the call they often procrastinate or try ending the call.

Truth is, they can’t face it but they miss you and are trying to get back to you.

They also call you under various pretexts, such as needing help or wanting to catch up.

5. They Show Signs Of Jealousy

Signs Your Ex Wants You to Notice Them

You’ll notice that they start reacting to your new relationships.

They might express jealousy or disapproval when they hear about your new romantic interests.

Are they suddenly acting cold or sarcastic when you mention your night out? These subtle signs of jealousy could be their way of showing they miss you, or even that they wish it was them accompanying you on those adventures.

They might try to downplay your new partner’s qualities or compare themselves favorably.

6. They Keep Asking About Your Life

Your Ex may begin to show sudden interest in your life by inquiring about your daily life, career, or hobbies in a way that suggests they’re still interested. 

They even begin to show interest in the things that they normally wouldn’t ask about before, they are doing this because they are trying to get back in touch with you.

7. They Try To Make You Jealous

This is another intriguing aspect to consider.

 When you talk about your dating experiences or hanging out with friends, your ex might retaliate by sharing their own stories. These accounts may be embellished or entirely fabricated, but their aim is to evoke jealousy in you or gauge whether you still have feelings for them.

The saying “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” takes on a new twist when your ex is trying to make you envious.

 In their effort to provoke a reaction, they might recount their social adventures, whether genuine or exaggerated.

But why do they do this? It could be a way for them to demonstrate that they are moving on and to check if you feel the same way.

8. They Remember Days That Are Important To You And Text You

We all love it when people around us remember special days that matter to us and wish us well.

When your ex remembers important events or details about you, it can feel like a warm hug from a distant friend.

This level of attention and remembrance can be a clear sign that your ex is still invested in you and your relationship.

9. They Frequently Apologise

Signs Your Ex Wants You to Notice Them

An apology, when genuine, can be as powerful as a healing touch. But if it’s coming from your ex, you might be tempted to scrutinize their motives.

 Is this a sincere act of remorse, or just a ploy to reel you back in?

If they’re truly trying to make amends, you’ll see a consistent pattern of remorse and effort to change.

10. They Frequently Tell You How Much They Miss You

If your ex is telling you how much they miss then maybe they are trying to reconnect with you.

What To Do When You See The Signs That Your Ex Wants You To Notice Them

It may not utterly be coincidental that your ex always wants you to be in your face, they might just want you back or they are trying to make amendments so you both can come back together.

However, it is best to question your decision in the first place, ask yourself questions like, what caused the breakup in the first place, who broke up and was the reason genuine enough, do they have toxic habits or did the breakup merely happened by chance?

Are you ready to go back to them, do you miss them, do you still love them and are you ready to give them a second chance?

If you can sincerely answer these questions then you might either choose to reciprocate or ignore the energy they give to you.

Moving Forward

The post-breakup period can be a tough time, with emotions swirling and confusion clouding your judgment. 

However, whether you choose to reconcile or move forward, make sure you’re making decisions that will lead you to a brighter, healthier future. 

Why Am I Obsessed Over An Ex? And How To Stop Obsession

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